The Successful Founder: 3rd March 2021
Named as ‘Inspirational Female Founder’ by The Successful Founder Magazine, Read Carolyn’s interview here…
Carolyn Hobdey is the author of “All The Tw*ts I Met Along The Way”. She spent 20 years building a successful corporate career working for some of the world’s largest employers. Her progressively more senior roles had earned her a seat at the boardroom table leading internationally recognisable brands where, whilst specialising in Human Resources (HR), she was required to be able to operate across all business disciplines. She supported her practical experience with a host of professional qualifications.
With an enviable knowledge of change management, Carolyn led a number of transformations of cultures and working practices in the organisations she worked within, building a reputation for her mortal compass, good humour and unflinching challenge of the unacceptable.