The Broad Room: Midlife Mistress for Women

I understand that getting into a new ‘relationship’ can cause you to feel both excited and anxious. That’s why I have options for each stage of readiness, with packages and price points to suit every purse.
Want to dip your toe in The Midlife Mistress water? Then learn more about my story, experience and transformation methods through my books.
“They had me at the title of these books”
Davina McCall
Courses to meet your individual development needs. Choose how I can best support you.
Redefining SELFISH

So you’ve read the book… what next?

SELFISH session

90-minute implementation workshop to implement and embed the SELFISH principles in your life.

£97 + VAT
Talking Twats

Tackling Your Twat:
From Critic to Cheerleader - How to change your life by changing your self-talk.

Tackling Twats at Home:
From Histrionics to History - How to leave a toxic relationship (and keep walking)

Tackling Twats at Work:
From Destructive to Productive - How to handle a toxic workplace

£197 + VAT

For Women:
MEnopause - From Hot Flush to Hot stuff: how to regain your menopause mojo
£97 +VAT

For Men:
MENopause - From Ignorant To Ally: how to support women through the menopause
£97 +VAT

For Businesses:
MEN(opause) At Work - How to make your workplace menopause-friendly
Want to discuss how The Midlife Mistress can help you?
"a great mixture of talking and practical exercises"
12 STEPs to Being unapologetically yourSELF
Want to take back control?
Live life on your terms?
Time to go beyond the book?
Then Mistress Membership is perfect for you.
Gain access to my online platform to be guided through the STEPs. Record your responses on your personalised SELF Steps portal.
Hosting digitised content, explanatory videos, exercises and action-planning, this is the one-stop-shop for completing the SELF Steps and for holding you to account for making change in your life.
Membership includes*:
- Webinars and workshops: be guided online and in-person by The Midlife Mistress
- Guest interviews: learn directly from experts
- Additional activities & downloads: exclusive support materials and special insights
- Q&A sessions: get your questions addressed
- Podcasts: secret episodes available only to this community
- ‘Live’ events: one-off sessions with coaching, focused topics and Q&A
- Discounts and offers: special rates and giveaways
* dependent upon membership level selected

12 month access to The SELF Steps online portal

‘Lives’ with the Midlife Mistress

Course discounts up to 10%
Annual (single payment): £499 + VAT
Monthly (minimum 12 month term): £49 + VAT
Faithful Founder members only (first 100 people)

Unlimited access to The SELF Steps online portal

Monthly ‘Lives’ with the Midlife Mistress

Course discounts up to 20%

Exclusive Guest Interviews, events and Founder discounts
Annual (single payment): £2,997 + VAT
Monthly (minimum 12 month term): £299 + VAT
Contact me

There are lots of ways you can contact me, so pick the one that works best for you: