The SELF Steps:

Simple Steps to Being Unapologetically yourSELF
How did Carolyn go from feeling lost to building her legacy?
It was tough, but it taught her what was needed to make that transformation. To have the life she was meant to live. Now she shares those secrets with you so that you can make your (mid)life matter and leave a legacy of your own.
The SELF Steps are the ‘how to’ guide that mean that you can concentrate on the ‘what’ that needs to change in your life. By removing the obstacles to change – rather than keep adding in more skills – the SELF Steps utilise what you already know. By reminding you of your capabilities and experiences, and focusing them by defining the challenges you face, you will build the confidence to take control of your life and make the changes you want.
The SELF Steps. Because a different result requires a different approach.
- Seeking
- Expression
- Love
- Fulfilment
SELF: Each SELF stage contains 3 Steps. Each Step guides you along the path to Being Unapologetically yourSELF

Ready to take your first SELF Step? Then The Midlife Mistress is here to take you by the hand and guide you along the path.
Mistress Membership: The SELF Steps – stripped bare
Want unlimited access to The SELF Steps? Our online Midlife Membership is your personal portal to undertake and record your responses to The SELF Steps. With additional content and exercises, this platform allows you to complete the Steps at a pace to suit you as well as the chance to revisit and revise each one as your journey unfolds.
With fully digitised content, explanatory videos and an action-planning tool that builds throughout, this is the one-stop-shop for completing The SELF Steps and holding you to account for making the changes so that you manage your (mid)life.
From Lost to Legacy: a (mid)life worth living.
Doing it for mySELF

12 month access to The SELF Steps online portal

‘Lives’ with the Midlife Mistress

Course discounts up to 10%
Annual (single payment): £499 + VAT
Monthly (minimum 12 month term): £49 + VAT
Faithful Founder members only (first 100 people)

Unlimited access to The SELF Steps online portal

Monthly ‘Lives’ with the Midlife Mistress

Course discounts up to 20%

Exclusive Guest Interviews, events and Founder discounts
Annual (single payment): £2,997 + VAT
Monthly (minimum 12 month term): £299 + VAT
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