
I love to chat! It’s always a privilege when others share their ideas and experiences with me for the benefit of others.
Here are some great conversations that I know you’ll enjoy too:
Communicating with Teenagers with Angela Karanja
In this episode, Angela (Angie) Karanja of Raising Remarkable Teenagers, shares what inspired her path out of poverty and into work as a...
Parental Guilt with Tania Lopez
Do you feel other mums are doing a better job at parenting than you? In this episode, Coach and parenting expert, Tania Lopez from Full Circle...
Career Coaching with Urvina Shah
Have you reached a career impasse? Have you plateaued or are ready for a change? Specialising in women’s careers, Urvina Shah from UKAN Coaching...
Courage and Confidence with JoJo Smith
How do you find the courage to step into your sass? JoJo Smith of CreativSAS has all the answers in this episode where she shares her secrets after...
Writing Alchemy with Carol Anne Cooper
How do you go from Maths Teacher to Writing Alchemist?! Writing Facilitator, Carol Anne Cooper of Open Doors, shares her fascinating story of doing...
The lies we tell ourselves with Lynn Erasmus
Do the stories you tell yourself from your past shape your life and who you are? Here, expert in cultural intelligence and author of the book ‘Break...
Havening with Mark Wingfield
Do you have past trauma that holds you back? Does emotional distress impact your life today? In this session Havening Practitioner, Mark Wingfield,...

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